Take Jaane bhi do yaaron, Hero Hiralal, Phir bhi dil hai hindustani and make the setting rural. Take some of the fine 'actors' (not stars) and give them characters (not roles). Take compelling Social issues and put a dose of humour. You get Peepli [live]. The movie humor but its own tongue in cheek style. For me, the best part was the performances , fantastic dialogues and absolutely precise casting. Music by Indian Ocean rocks. Direction is tight. It has everything but lacks that 'something' which shakes your soul when you have such a serious issue at a film's base. But still is one of the better movies this year. Do not miss.
The movie is about two brothers-one of which convinces the other to commit suicide so that they can get some money from the government, TRP hungry media, Don't care a damn Bureaucrats, Will do anything to stay or come in power Politicians. Apart from the main farmer suicide issue, the movie dealt more with the migration of workers to cities than villages because there is no option left for them, in a very subtle way.
The Best part about the movie was perfect casting. Everybody (and i mean everybody) scores. Be it the confused Natha, The Schemey Budhia, The venomous Mother, The irritated Bahu, The Politicians (local and national), The Reporters. Everyone suits one's role as if he/she was cast first and then the role was written after keeping him/her in mind. While watching you hardly seem to notice actors, but characters. I bet if you open your eyes and roll down car's windows tomorrow, you will watch all these characters on the street. And that obviously lead to one of the finest (collective) performances i have seen in a while.
The dialogues were pointed, satirical, entertaining and pinching at the same time. I have seen and heard budhia and Nathas in my locality as the press wallahs, the doodh wallahs, the maids in my childhood and you can take my word for it, that the words were absolutely the same. They are not the dialogues written by an urban 'scriptwriter' to be spoken by 'actors' but you can feel that earthy feel with every word uttered. Music again is typical Indian Ocean and (obviously) has that folk-y feel. The cinematography is neat (I really liked the scenes where actual media-cameras were used in the media-crowd scenes).
No doubt its an honest movie made from the heart, but it loses its steam in the middle when things start to get repetitive especially when the media spoofs become too spoofy. They are entertaining, no doubt, but I think the point was already made and it seems that it was stretched too far and wasn't required. Another thing that i felt could have been done was to actually stop the 'fun/humour' element at some point and the movie could have been given a 'darker' feel in the second half. With the subject like this, I think it would have been amazing if the movie could just spin over its head and suddenly turn negative and brutal.
According to me, Alls well that ends well applies most to movies. Most people take the last few sequences out of the cinema hall. Thats what they remember. It (any movie) could be a fantastic movie , but if the ending sucks. You suddenly ignore the better parts (just an example, not that it applies in this case) and come home only with the worse ones.
I would have really liked a 'Play-like' Ending, when the lead actor is lonely and sitting in the corner with a spotlight on, and it fades slowly. But in order to reach that build up, more brutality was required. You should feel for Natha, even cry for his state. He has the whole family back home. Wife, Mother, Brother, Kids but Here he is in the city, absolutely lonely. No one to talk to. He cant even go back. He cant even talk to them and still you don't feel as sad for him as you should have. Make the second half absolutely darker i say. For eg, what Dibarkar Banerjee did in LSD (the Love Story Chapter) when you have this spoofy feel throughout and suddenly the pair is killed brutally. THAT kind of a treatment towards the end could have taken the movie at a different level altogether. It could have made the audience 'feel' more for Natha.
Overall, one of the better movies this year. A Definite Watch
Feel-O-Meter: 7/10
PS: I think there were a lot of hidden messages in the script which i missed. Would definitely want to watch it again to understand it even better. For eg. Why was Natha riding a wedding horse while asleep? or What does the handpump signify? Do tell me if you have any idea.