Are you 'lucky'? Yes, if you are shot in chest on the left side and the doctor declares, 'you are so lucky, your heart is not on the left but on the right side'!!!! I dont have the words to describe the disgustful 'feel' that i have for this trash. I fail to understand how bad a movie can be made. Do film makers think that hollywood 'inspired' stunts is ALL that the indian audience is looking for?? I think the movie had everything but story, script, direction, performance, music and... may be a couple of more things!!! Pathetic to the Core. If somebody pays you to watch it.. Run and Hide.. Thats it..
One of the worst movies since kambakht ishq!!! The movie has absolutely nothing to offer. I still am not sure why Sanjay Dutt still does shitty movies like this. He has enough money i guess. He doesnt need to act to survive if i am not wrong. Or else, what in the world could be the reason for his appearance in this piece of trash.
Plot: Whats that?? I dont think there IS a plot. I am sure one fine day the director would have woken up feeling 'lucky' and next day started shooting, thinking that if they actually are 'lucky' the script writer would write something good during the shoot, actors might act well, and ya.. if they are TOOOOO lucky, there could be a few people who might ACTUALLY pay for a ticket and watch this movie. The movie talks about 'the luck factor' in normal people's life. A 'lucky' gangster brings some other 'lucky' people together and runs an international racket of 'luck games' which include shooting the other one with one bullet in the gun(full gabbar singh style), jumping off an airplane with a bag (it may or may not contain a parachute, depending on your 'luck'), finding a key out of 300 which might be able to save you from a couple of sharks in the sea, and ya.. my favorite.. The doctor telling you that you have been shot point blank in the left part of your chest but hoooray, you are soo lucky that your heart is on the right side!!!!
Performance: WTF!!! Imran Khan, Shruti Hassan, Ravi kisshen(!!!!) cant act to save their lives. God knows whats wrong with Sanju Baba that he is not able to find good work. Pleeease for god's sake get over the sanjay gupta trash genre.
Technicals: Just some hollywood 'inspired' stunts which leave you 'yawning' rather than go 'ohhh thats some action'. No cinematography. No sense of direction (or purpose). ABBOSLUTELY nothing to mention
Music: Equally pathetic (except 'khudaya re' which obv doesnt fit into the movie, but is Ammmmazing) There is a cacophony of Luck aazmaa(Rock as well as the normal version) again and again. once again, Absolutely pathetic
Overall : If somebody offers you a free ticket (plus money for popcorn). Dont fall for it. Its a TRAP and the person might be looking to force you to commit a suicide in the theater. Just turn the other way. Run and Hide
Feel-O-Meter : 1/10 (1 for the khudaya number)
One of the worst movies since kambakht ishq!!! The movie has absolutely nothing to offer. I still am not sure why Sanjay Dutt still does shitty movies like this. He has enough money i guess. He doesnt need to act to survive if i am not wrong. Or else, what in the world could be the reason for his appearance in this piece of trash.
Plot: Whats that?? I dont think there IS a plot. I am sure one fine day the director would have woken up feeling 'lucky' and next day started shooting, thinking that if they actually are 'lucky' the script writer would write something good during the shoot, actors might act well, and ya.. if they are TOOOOO lucky, there could be a few people who might ACTUALLY pay for a ticket and watch this movie. The movie talks about 'the luck factor' in normal people's life. A 'lucky' gangster brings some other 'lucky' people together and runs an international racket of 'luck games' which include shooting the other one with one bullet in the gun(full gabbar singh style), jumping off an airplane with a bag (it may or may not contain a parachute, depending on your 'luck'), finding a key out of 300 which might be able to save you from a couple of sharks in the sea, and ya.. my favorite.. The doctor telling you that you have been shot point blank in the left part of your chest but hoooray, you are soo lucky that your heart is on the right side!!!!
Performance: WTF!!! Imran Khan, Shruti Hassan, Ravi kisshen(!!!!) cant act to save their lives. God knows whats wrong with Sanju Baba that he is not able to find good work. Pleeease for god's sake get over the sanjay gupta trash genre.
Technicals: Just some hollywood 'inspired' stunts which leave you 'yawning' rather than go 'ohhh thats some action'. No cinematography. No sense of direction (or purpose). ABBOSLUTELY nothing to mention
Music: Equally pathetic (except 'khudaya re' which obv doesnt fit into the movie, but is Ammmmazing) There is a cacophony of Luck aazmaa(Rock as well as the normal version) again and again. once again, Absolutely pathetic
Overall : If somebody offers you a free ticket (plus money for popcorn). Dont fall for it. Its a TRAP and the person might be looking to force you to commit a suicide in the theater. Just turn the other way. Run and Hide
Feel-O-Meter : 1/10 (1 for the khudaya number)