Surprisingly, the movie is not bad at all. Its a very sweetly made movie. It has no tantrums, No Show off, No marketing gimmicks, No stars, No out of the box creativity, No path breaking script writing, No great technicians, Almost Nothing. But STILL the movie worked for me. Because there was an honesty by which the movie has been made, which you can feel. Its not a Fab movie on which you would generally spend money and watch it, but still its better than the recent kambakht ishqs and Luck crap!!
I know most of you wouldnt even bother about the review or the movie and also might think that why in the hell, would i go and watch 'this' movie. Some of you might think that batla has lost it that he is actually reviewing a bhatt camp movie. The reason is simple, i heard about it through a couple of hardcore movie buff kinda friends and got reasonably not bad reviews and ya, if i can tolerate kambakht ishq and luck, then things cant get worse anyways.
The movie has a very cute and sweet soul, it has no showey attitude about it. It doesnt promise out of the hill top that its the best movie ever made. It doesnt have ANY hype whatsoever associated(obviously with 'stars' like adhyayan suman and anjana sukhani). There are no good performances(again pretty obvious). Absolutely nothing extraordinary about it. Infanct, this ordinary thing worked for me. It had just no tantrums. It was a very simple story, already told like a zillion times and no new treatment also. But its just a sweet movie thats it.
Plotwise, Its a story already told a zillion times over. Take a a struggling singer trying to make his mark add to it a love story and an angry and powerful brother(of the girl ofcourse) who is trying to screw things up. The guy hits rock bottom and then rises to win a singing competition and wins the brother over too. Nothing new, Pretty predictable but still you dont feel like leaving the theater before the finish.
Performances also are very ordinary. I think thats where the problem with lies. Even though it has a pretty decent script, since the budget was tight(i assume), they 'couldnt' take any established actors and 'dint' take any FRESH talent. They just did with reasonably known(just known) free actors. Adhyayan Suman was the biggest problem with the movie. Poor guy just cant act to save his life. He tries soo hard and it appears on screen. You can feel that he is giving his best in every shot but may be even that is just not good enough. Anjana Sukhani(I understand most of you wouldnt even know who she is, not that it matters too) again is a non-actor so cant expect anything from her too. Even the other actors are just not good except shahana goswami who couldnt save the movie on her own since hers is more like a character role.
Some of the scenes are actually pretty good especially the scene where Adhyayan steals a woman's purse and gets caught. Also, when he later earns some money after sweeping floors and goes to pay off a restaurant manager who threw him out. You just need to learn to ignore the 'actors' and concentrate on 'characters'. As already said, Casting is the villain in the movie. Had the movie been made through a bigger banner or fresh 'stars', it could have been another 'Jaane tu' (Dont be surprised, i am very serious).
Music is pretty decent, not great for a 'music' movie. But pretty decent nonetheless. Compliments must be given to the new jodi of music directors sharib and toshi who incidentally have been singing reality show contestants!!
Overall, A Nice Script.Age Old Story. No Great performances. But Good Treatment. No Flashy Airy stuff. Just a plain simple straight from the heart movie. Watch it (if its still in cinemas) if you nothing better to do. (If you can watch Kambakht Ishq and Luck then might as well can sit through this as well)
Feel-O-Meter: 6/10
PS: Please make it again with a better casting. I will watch it again. ;-)