July 19, 2009

Gulaal : 'THE' Scene

"Tumhe kisne kaha ke MAIN sab ka istemaal nahi kar rahi"

Was watching Gulaal again and couldnt resist writing. No doubt that the movie itself is a masterpiece. But, i think this one scene deserves a special mention.

For those who havent seen the movie, contrary to popular belief, that its about college politics or the struggle for a separate rajputana state and has a 70s struggling flavour to it. The movie is above all this. All those things are sub-plots and the movie is about a simple need of recognition as legitimate children for a brother-sister pair. They need that recognition and WILL get it at whatever cost possible. Even if the cost is to sacrifice his own sister and going till ANY length to achieve it.

This particular scene takes the plot to the end when you realize that the helplessness of Dileep when he comes to know that the woman she blindly loved, doesn't love him at all and was only using him. She keeps on telling him the same thing again and again and He keeps on justifying HER actions. He tells her that she is BEING used and then she says 'THE' dialogue. Man.. THIS is wat script writing is all about. I just don't have the words to describe how i 'feel' when she says that one dialogue which sums up the whole movie in a sentence!!!

The struggle to realize the truth is so amazingly portrayed by Dileep, that it is just out of the world. The innocence which forms the basis of his character is still not lost and can be felt through his thick framed eyes too. You can almost reach Dileep's heart and feel the pain inside. The same guy who trusted this girl more than himself. The same guy who gave up everything for this one girl. The same guy whom most might term as a typical 'emotional fool'. The same guy who picks up a gun and kills 5 people becomes so helpless when he has to face the girl who 'loved' him.

Kiran on the other hand, is just as cold blooded as one can be. She knew what she wanted and was ready to go to any length for it and thats what she did. Be it using dileep or sleeping with other men to realize her goal. Even in this cold blooded portrayal you cant escape feeling for her too. In this one scene, you can feel the pain that she has gone through all her life, being called an illegitimate child. For her, Dileep is nothing more than a stepping stone in her bigger scheme of things.

'Trust' and 'Betrayal' are two sides of the same coin. Its just the way you look at it. Dileep trusts Kiran so blindly that even when she herself tells him the truth. He just cant believe it. He keeps justifying her actions and thinks that 'others' are using her. He just cant understand the concept of betrayal. he just needs to flip the coin and look at the other side. But he doesn't or rather he couldn't. The scene looks at the 'Love is Blind' cliche and multiplies it manifold. Dileep is so 'blinded' by love that he coudn't see the truth. You might call him 'naive, an idiot or a dumb-ass' who doesnt fit in 'today's' definition of love and relationships. But he is not all that. He is just simply in 'love'.

Phenomenal. Nothing short of it.