Clash of the Titans is a Men Vs Gods Greek mythology War epic which has the usual larger than life scale, scary monsters, cool graphics, emotional turmoil of the lead character but still doesn't work because there is nothing new to offer, because everything in the movie has already been seen/done before. There is no 'oh my God' factor anywhere. Everything seemed to be inspired from earlier movies. Watch it only if you have nothing better to do and your idea of cinema is watching creepy and enormously large creatures screaming with their mouth full of saliva and throwing their tail(s) here and there and in turn killing hundreds of people. Nothing apart from that.
The movie is (supposed to be) an epic tale between Men and Gods. Wherein the Hades(The God from the underworld) gets angry with a King, since his queen compared their daughter to the god and said that the men don't need Gods but rather the Gods need men for their worship. Now, Perseus (Sam Worthington) who is half man-half god needs to go to some witches, kill some giant scorpions, slay medusa's head and yeah.. kill a may be a 200 mtr(or even higher) Godzilla + T Rex look alike called Kraken. Needless to say, He does all of it (almost) alone.
There is nothing to mention about the performances, since nobody really had to act anywhere during the movie apart from looking scared, stone faced, creepy and screaming your lungs out. I think this is where the movie did not do anything for me. I could not relate to the characters at all. I wish the movie was made with a better cast. I understand that the budget would (obviously) be polarized towards the special effects but i am sure they could have done with some better actors. What about Morgan Freeman as Zeus or Russel Crowe as Perseus?
As far as the Special Effects and CGI(or whatever) Graphics are concerned. They were pretty good, but everything seemed to have been lifted from other movies. The locations reminded too much of LOTR. The Scorpions and the Djinns reminded too much of The Mummy Series and the Scorpion King. Even the Monster Kraken looked like a cross breed between a T Rex and Godzilla. The sequence where the princess is being offered to the Kraken, reminded just too much of Peter Jackson's King Kong. All in all, everything was seen and heard of, so it just does not offer anything new for the audience. The last 10 minutes are pretty neat but i am sure you don't really follow 80-20 principle in movies ;)
Overall : The usual Larger than Life epic tale , which did not do justice to the scale it deserved. Above Average but no OMG factor. Watch it if you are looking for some really BIG monsters on screen and nothing else.
Feel-O-Meter : 4/10
PS: I hope you get the pun with God being in quotes ;)
PSS: You could find the review too harsh and the reason could be that i watched 4 action flicks (2012, GI Joe, Transformers 1 and 2) back to back before i went to see COTT.