Chance pe Dance is another 'Struggler turns hero' story which tries everything but still fails to impress. Its like a music video and the director tried to make a movie around it. Performances are pathetic. Shahid and Genelia both ham in 90% of the movie. Music is bad except two songs. There is a kids plot thrown in (i guess) just to stretch it till 2 hours. Full of cliches. No humor. No story. No chemistry. Just nothing, except Shahid's ammazing dance moves (but i guess, that you can watch on Music channels itself).
Plot: The movie is Luck by chance (funny that even the names are similar), Naach and School of Rock combined. Its full of cliches. The struggler doesnt have money,gets ditched by 'friend', is thrown out of his house, takes up a job as a dance teacher in a school, (with in 20 mins that plot is over btw and suddenly you are like, 'What?? Thats it??), has to participate in a reality show, etc etc etc. The movie tries to stuff so much that none of the storylines seem complete. Suddenly one scene gets over, other plot starts and the process goes on. I wonder if they had a story to start with or just thought of 'Hey lets go and make a dancer-struggling actor story with a few good dance moves and add some marketing'
Performance: I dont think Shahid kapur has matured enough as an 'actor' to take up the responsibility of managing a movie on his own. He looks stupid when he tries to be funny and almost funny when he tries to be emotional. I think he needs to go and take some acting lessons. He dances Damn neat and thats all is to it. Genelia (obviously) is as cute as she is. (Btw thats why i went to the movie anyway). Just that poor thing cant act and has a squeaky voice. There is nobody else to even mention about. Parikshit sahni (although repeats his 3 idiots cameo) is pretty good in that one (or two) scene(s) that he has. The lead pair looks cute together but still no chemistry there too.
Technicals: The movie has nothing to offer there as well. No sense of direction (as to where the movie is going). Even 2 hours seem long enough. One of the songs, shows Genelia and Shahid taller than most of mumbai buildings running in the city, is nicely done but again is an old idea and reminds of 90s music videos. Choreography is Amazing though and i guess thats the only saving grace for the movie.
Music: Funny part is, its a dance movie and still the music sucks. Pe Pe Pein and Pump it up are nice and VERY foot tapping. These two have what i call 'The shoulder effect'. When your shoulders start moving to the beats. But that isnt enough i guess. Other songs are just pathetic.
Points to be noted: Genelia portrays a choreographer and dances so pathetic that you seem to start ignoring her cuteness. The School of rock theme just starts, stretches but ends abruptly in a 1 min song and the kids end up winning. You cant seem to relate with the 'strugglers' struggle. You feel irritated rather than touched. Pathetic.
Positives: Choregraphy, Dance moves, Two songs, Genelia and one or two scenes here and there
Negatives: Everything else sucks
Overall: Only if you are hard core dancer and don't mind watching a movie for the final song.
Feel-O-Meter: 4/10