Rocket Singh is another one of those 'follow your dreams and you shall achieve what you want' to type movies. It has its share of positives being a 'different' storyline, decent script, relateable characters and refreshing performances by all but still there was something missing. The problem that i saw was, that it dint really has those 'moments'! Moreover, i found the whole ethics, customer service plot to be too preachy which dint work for me again. It also dragged a bit in the first half where the movie was just not moving everywhere. The movie was supposed to be super on paper but doesnt really reach thatlevel anytime. Its a one time watch when you dont really have nothing much to do.
Okay, first things first. I think i may appear to be highly critical of this movie and it doesnt mean that i dint like it. I liked the movie especially the characters and their performances. But i feel disappointed as it is one of those 'could have been great' movies and i expect much better work from shimit amin after chak de and ab tak chappan. To me, This was a disappointment coming from him. I think the story was 'different' but too predictable and one track. I expected a slightly more funny movie especially after the 'pocket mein rocket hai' became such a big hit. Funny it is that its not even there in the movie.
Also, I think it was a marketing faux pass to even promote the movie as a comedy. Coz it was anything but a comedy. It tried to tickle your funny bone in bits and pieces but the wait for those moments was too long. There would be a dialogue or two and then a long wait for the next.
As for the positives, I think it was a fresh new story not told before. The story of a salesman. A plot which has never been touched before (Though i am not sure how many can actually 'relate' to that plot). The characters were as real as they come. You turn your head and you could see one of the characters around you somewhere. Secondly, Performances by everybody was top of the line. Be it Ranbir or D Santosh (The computer service guy). Ranbit definitely does a good job keeping it restrained and not going the 'funny sardar' way. Some of the dialogues were very quick witted too. The movie was 'different' for sure. And the second half was way better than the first. It was quick and grippy.
Overall : A one time watch provided you dont really have anything better to .
Feel-O-Meter: 5/10
PS: Generally i divide my review in plot, performance, technicals, positives, negatives etc. But here honeslty, i dont feel like writing much. Its may be because i was not really excited about the movie after the movie as i was before. :-)