Every single scene.. You just go.. How the f**k can they even think about this. I mean the canvas is too friggin big. I still am in the awe of the writer/director who COULD think of such masssive scale and effects. Whole buildings going down in a flash. Trains flying in the sky. Highways gone in a flash. A whole city just breaks in half and is wasted in the sea. Tsnunamis hitting the himalayas!!! wow.. wow.. and WOW!!! Full marks for even daring to 'imagine' forget about thinking of filming it!!
Plot: Do you really care?? I mean in hollywood sci-fi flick these days. Do you really bother about the plot or the story or the 'message'!!! Its a one liner plot. Some eruptions from the sun has some heating effect on the earth's core and there are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, shifting of poles etc etc. The world is coming to an end and there are some people who are trying to survive.. Blah.. Blah..
Performance: What else can be expected apart from the usual screams and exaggerated expressions going.. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.. Ohhhh shiitttttt.. Runnnnnnn... etc etc. Nobody has any other thing to do apart from those screams etc.
Technicals: Ofcourse special effects are the biggest, meanest, most imaginative and craziest EVERR on screen. But when there are no special effects and in close shots, it gives a kinda 'sit comish' feel. I guess its gotta do with some new technology of cinematography used or something. But gives an uncomfy feeling during those shots. But yeah. I dont think i know enough to even comment on special effects of that stature.
Positives: Kick Ass Special Effects. Ammmmmazing creativity. Imaginative.. Just too f**king imaginative.
Negatives: Too lengthy. Gets a bit preachy in the middle and you start to feel, 'when would the next big sequence' come, Gets repetitive since there is nothing one can do apart from running from nature. But i think EVERY negative is forgotten once the sequences start flowing. I just wish that ending had been less preachy and more kick ass like the start!!
Overall : Fullll Feel. Kick Ass action, Graphics and Special Effects. Must Must Watch
Feel-O-Meter : 8/10