September 26, 2009

UP: Two Thumbs Up!!!!

Ammazing.. Cute.. The Awwww Factor.. Characters you would fall in love with.. Kick Ass Animation.. Touching Story.. Action.. Adventure.. Humour.. You say it. UP has it!! All in all.. A Kick Ass Animation movie for those Shrek, Wall-e, Monsters inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ice Age Fans.. Take a bow and make way for Up.. Coz its right 'up' there at the top..

I am sure the paragraph above has given you an idea as to what this review is gonna be like. Infact i am running short of words now. And yess. It is in the same league as all the movies i mentioned above if not better.. (although shrek still takes the first place for me.. hehe..)

The best part about the movie is that its not a 'kid' movie. It would appeal to all age groups(i think). The movie is about a 80 year old man who wants to fulfill his dead wife's childhood dream to go to an Island and have a house there.. They keep postponing it due to finances and then the wife dies (awwwww...) So tadaaa!!! He ties 10000 balloons to his house and airlifts it to the island.. Simple.. Isnt it?? Not exactly.. Add to that a kid trying to get a 'Help Elderly' kinda badge, A rare species of bird whom the villain is trying to capture and ya.. how can i forget.. a pack of dogs who can SPEAK... yess you read it right.. SPEAK!!!

All in all an ammazing adventure and hehe.. The adventurous is spell binding.. Its thrilling and emotinal at the same time. Infact a couple of times,i myself went Awwww.. and looked for a tissue!! hehe..

Another thing worth mentioning is, that the movie doesnt have ANY star voices to boast of. And THAT in itself is an achievement.. To Take off the audience's focus from the ACTORS to the CHARACTERS.

All the characters are so ammazingly written, that you cant NOT fall in love with them. Be it the Grumpy Old Man or the sweet little talking dog or the wilderness explorer kid or even a colorful bird that CANT talk!!!

Animation obviously is amazing. And that is taken as a given anyways from a pixar movie. But what worked for me was that i dint even notice the animation in the movie. It just struck me where it should and then i dint really bother about the animaiton or technicalities. Just engrossed in the adventure.

Bottomline: Kick Ass.. Go watch it. Period

Feel-O-Meter: 8/10 ( Saving 2 for the 3D version.. coz i saw the normal one only :-( )

Catch the trailer on :