Take $200 million, spend most on special effects, hire no script writers, spend more on special effects, don't give any screen space to the REAL actors, spend a little more on special effects!!! What do you get?? Bingo!!! Transformers 2. Its too long. Has too many special effects and explosions. The characters just keep jumping from one explosion to the others and that too in slow motion. It runs for 2 and a half hours and then suddenly stops. But ofcourse, for the next sequel!!!
THATs the problem, even after such a ho-halla abt the sequel. Rumors abt Optimus Prime's death. High expectations. Superb Marketing.Crazy spends on Special Effects. 2 and a Hour length.. and STILL you come out of the theater with not even a single moment that you can remember!! The movie only focuses on special effects and the moments are made of Actors AND Characters. The Actors dont do much apart from running and hiding. The Characters have all been established in the earlier movie and there is no growth therein.
As far as the special effects are concerned. They are KICK ASS!!! No doubt about it. But the novelty of idea of 'TRANSFORMATIONS' from robots to cars was good enough for the first movie. In the second one, much more was expected. Atleast a story line and you can't really make a successful movie ONLY out of special effects. If that was the case then world over, computer graphics artists would get paid much more than movie stars. Buts thats not the case.. AS YET!! And add to that not required PRODUCT Placements like LG and CISCO in every second frame!! Come on Mr Bay. Get a Life
The whole movie is nothing short of a Video Game with excellent graphics. From the first shot onwards you realize that the movie is not about logic or story line or anything else. Its only about spectacular action sequences and impressive graphics. But after a certain point(especially in a 2.5 hour long movie) you start to feel the need of a plot. You cant just keep on watching chase sequences after chase sequences. Explosions after Explosions. Transformations After Transformations. I guess thats what differentiates successful movie franchisees like Terminator or for that matter Matrix and Transformers. Honestly i cant remember ANYTHING worth mentioning about the movie.
Bottomline: I repeat, the action and special effects are just freakin Awesome BUT thats about it. There is nothing else. Generally i say, Forget the plot. Dont apply your brains. Go with friends. Sit back. Enjoy and Come back. This time around, i say, DON'T. Its not worth it. Watch the first part instead in the comfort of your home rather than spending money on this one. Or better still!! Go and watch Hangover Again!!
Feel-o-meter: 4/10