April 6, 2009

Anywhere but Home

I generally like romantic comedies but this one just dint click for me. There is no comedy and absolutely no romance. Every romantic comedy has two very special ingredients 1. The Chemistry between the leading pair and 2. The presence of sweet incidents which stay with you after you come out of the theatre. The movie dint have either.

Reese and Vince just dont look like a couple. It appears as if they have been imported from different movies and have been placed in this one. Vince looks atleast 15 years older to Reese and is almost 1 and a half feet taller than her. It seems like the oddest couple imaginable.

It tries every trick in the book to tickle your funny bone. From Sexual encounters to Slapstick but nothing works. You come out of the hall minus the smile that is THE absolute necessity for every romantic comedy. There is a difference between being funny and being stupid. Absolute Rubbish..

DO NOT watch it. Rather Go have a coffee with your boy/girl friend.If you are a woman and single, Give me a call ;-)